15 August Speech for college / School teachers in english 2015 [LATEST]


15 August Speech for college / school teachers in english 2015 [LATEST] :- 15 August Speech for school/teachers in english 2015 [LATEST] : Happy 15 august to all! As our nation got freedom on fifteenth august, this day is commended as the autonomy day of india. On this awesome day, individuals from everywhere throughout the nation like to fly kites the entire day and this day is likewise pronounced as the national occasion. In schools and universities, educators and some capable understudies are requested that convey a discourse on autonomy day ie.. 15 aug. Accordingly, here we present to you some refined quality speeches.Here on this event of 15 august, we are giving all of you the:- , 15 August speech for students, 15 August speech for school teachers, 15 August speech in hindi, 15 August speech for college teachers,  speech on 15 August in english language for teachers, 15 August speech in english for teachers this is the 69th independence that the people of india are celebrating. 

These addresses can be talked by the educates as well as by the understudies why should asked convey. As 1-2 days prior to the occasion of 15 august, it is praised in universities and schools, instructors and understudies are requested that talk something on autonomy day 15 eminent. So here are all the - teachers speech for 15th august, speech for college teachers in english on 15 August, speech in english for 15 August for college teachers, teachers speech on 15 august in english, college teachers speech on 15 August.

15 August Speech for college Teachers

15 August Speech for college Students
15 August 1947 is the most important date for each & every Indian. On this day, our country was declared as the independent country & was free from the British rule. The freedom we got was the only result of continuous march pasts, day night fights between Indian soldiers & British army, & the sacrifices of all Indians that took part in the fight of Independence.

Today, we all are here celebrating the 69th freedom anniversary of 15 August Independence Day of India. On this patriotic day, prime minister of India, raise the national flag “Tiranga” over the Red Fort at Delhi & special parade is organized from the India gate, giving the tribute who lost their lives during the Independence day war.
Celebrating the Independence day 2015, various dance performances & cultural events are to be part of the celebration ceremony where people from all over the Indian states come & show their traditional dance. Along with the dance programs, soldiers & army men show all the three strong powers air, water, l& to the common public. Every one sing national anthem of India which is JANA GANA MANA. Every one st& still for the national anthem of our country. On this day the great personalities, Mahatma G&hi, Bhagat Singh & all those who had important role in giving independence to India are remembered with great honor & respect.
Amazingly, days before the 15 August, streets are cleared, schools are decorated & special awareness is created regarding cleanliness. National flag is raised on the tops of the schools, colleges, government buildings & educational departments. Kids & school children takes part in parades, dance competitions, quiz competitions & cultural events.
We all should take part in the development of our country & only thinks in the favor of our nation. So come & take pledge that we will take our nation to new heights of development & should proud of our country. Jai Hind.

15 Aug Speech in hindi for Teachers

Good morning and my hearty greetings to you all on the occasion of the 67th Independence Day of India. The very mention of the word Independence brings back nostalgic memories to all those who love their beloved country. They are moments of sheer magic when a nation held in bondage for centuries breaks free from the shackles of foreign rule and breathes in winds of freedom. The country that suffered slavery is the very country that has been admired by many in the West. We need to be proud of that legacy. No less a person than Albert Einstein has said of India: “We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.” The famous German scholar Max Muller observed, “If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed some of its choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered on the greatest problems of life, and has found solutions, I should point to India.” And Mark Twain who is known for his satirical comments observes seriously that India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable and most instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only. Such a great nation that was the fount of wisdom is ours and ours only. But today, we see that freedom that was won by sacrifice, blood and toil is being taken for granted. Most Indians are not keenly appreciative of the blessings of being born an Indian. In the face of skepticism and even ridicule from others, India stood up to the challenge of making a success of its independence and proved its critics wrong on many counts. Today, it is the largest democracy and is poised for keeping its tryst with destiny. It is true that there are many hurdles at present, and some major failures on certain fronts, but the country is relentlessly surging ahead. The progress may not always be dramatic, but it is sure and steady. To begin with, the GDP has slowed down to 4.5%, but it is expected to improve. It is the lowest in a decade, on account of poor performance of manufacturing, agriculture and services sectors. On the positive side, the construction output expanded 5.8 percent and financing, insurance, real estate and business services grew 7.9 percent. The country is facing unprovoked and unwarranted assaults from Pakistan and still managing to maintain its calm. The world knows that our military strength is unquestionably superior and hopefully a timely and firm signal of no-nonsense will set things right. The political situation in the country is fluid with General Elections fast approaching. Again, the political sagacity of the average Indian voter has been high and the nation will keep moving forward. We as people are peace-loving and committed to progress. The Sensex zoomed up and came down but it is hovering around 20000 mark, which seemed impossible a few years back. Despite the fall of the rupee, markets will hopefully shoot up again. The Indian Space programme is recording one amazing victory after another. The successful launch of INSAT-3D, IRNSS-1A and PSLV-C20 carrying SARAL and six commercial payloads underline our mastery in this field. Recently, INS Arihant’s reactor achieved criticality making India a proud member of an elite club of only five nations in the world to have nuclear-powered submarine. And the latest news is that INS Vikranth the first indigenous aircraft carrier is ready for launch. In sports, while the Indian cricket team continues its saga of wins, some badminton stars are setting new milestones of excellence, particularly Kashyap and Sindhu from our own state, not to mention Saina Nehwal who chose to live in Hyderabad. Coming to our institute, we are, I am sure, already started on the way to take NITW where it belongs., as our Chairman, Board of Governors put it, at the top of the NITs and as a competitor to IITs. On the academic side, we started a new M.Tech. programme called Materials and Systems Engineering Design in collaboration with NFTDC, Hyderabad with the students carrying out lab work and projects in that industry. NIT Warangal has been witnessing an impetus in its research capabilities and performance in the recent times, thanks to generous funding from MHRD and the dynamic leadership we are enjoying under the Chairmanship of a highly accomplished and internationally renowned scientist and industrialist, Dr. Ella Krishna. The faculty are now recharged with enthusiasm, commitment, and a mission-like zeal to revitalize themselves to conduct high quality research in areas of cutting-edge technologies and science. The BOG of NIT Warangal was very generous and exhibited its foresightedness in earmarking a recurring grant of Rs. 200 lakhs every year as Research Seed Money (RSM). Many young faculty members across all Departments were given financial support from this Fund in order to encourage them to continue their research pursuits. Our Institute is now acknowledged as the most active and BEST Indian Partner in the Erasmus Mundus Indo-Europe Academic Exchange Programme, HERITAGE with Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France, as the European Coordinating Institute. About 33 of our NITW students and staff out of a total 100 from India are selected for the first phase of academic mobility to European Higher Education Institutes. Further, HERITAGE scheme is inviting applications from the students and staff for the Cohort 2, meaning the second session. The last date is 16th September. Yet another Erasmus Mundus Indo-Europe Academic Exchange Programme, by name, EUPHRATES (European Union for Promotion of Health by Research in Applied Technology, Education and Science), is also finalized by the European Commission with University of Santiago de Compostela, A Coruna, Spain, as the European Coordinating Institute. HERITAGE PLUS is also submitted and is expected to be granted. There are about 5 Centres of Excellence with specific mandate to carry out interdisciplinary research in cutting-edge areas of applied science and technology. The Centre for Automation and Instrumentation is housing a host of modern and sophisticated equipment to cater to the needs of material diagnostics and characterization as a Central Instrumentation Facility. The Computer Centre with hundreds of terminals and necessary software is helping the computational needs and simulation studies of the researchers. A unique centre, Centre for Innovation and Incubation is providing an avenue for the Institute to encourage innovations, industrial liaison, ink MoUs and file patents. The Centre for Sustainable and Alternate Energies has just started its activities with funds from the TEQIP-Phase II. The Centre for Advanced Materials is focusing on investigating smart materials including nanomaterials and nanotechnology. Centre for Urban Transportation Studies is recognized as one of the national level nodal centers for research in transportation engg. Further, every Department is supported to start Mini Centres of Excellence to sharpen their niche areas of expertise. With the kind of buzzing R&D activities and the ongoing recruitment to about 200 more faculty positions, I hope we are creating a great deal of intellectual space for all the faculty members to engage themselves in multifaceted research activity. This year two more clubs/ students chapters are being started –Heritage-SPIC Macay club, for the promotion of Indian Culture and Arts among the youth and Honeybee Network – NITW Chapter to promote the culture of Innovation and entrepreneurship among the student community, social innovation and social entrepreneurship in particular. Technozion 2013 is planned from September 27 to September 29. I am glad to say that the newly constituted BOG has given a big boost to the B.Tech III year students. A total of 18 students will be sponsored and sent for summer internship for four to eight weeks to universities in the USA, Europe and other countries with which our institute has entered into MOUs. A good deal of construction and renovation work is going on. The roads of the campus are now widened and black-topped –a long-pending demand. Now, some of them look like runways. The old hostel blocks 6, 7 and 8 and some A-type quarters are upgraded. Another vexing issue of toilet blocks is addressed as several old toilets are upgraded. External and internal painting of CAM and CAI buildings is nearing completion, three 250 KV generators are installed, one of them near the Ladies Hostel. Two new mega buildings at a cost of Rs.140 crores to house the Metallurgy and Chemical departments are approved and work will start in a few months. Construction of second floor over the Indoor Games Complex is entrusted to CPWD at a cost of Rs.72 lakhs and a dining hall in the Ladies Hostel over the existing hall is approved. Tenders are finalized for the construction of three big water sumps of 4 lakh litre capacity to improve and sustain ground water levels at a cost of about 1 crore rupees. First floor for the Ladies Waiting Hall is being taken up, the expense running to about 40 lakhs. Proposals are put up for upgrading the Centre for Continuing Education building at a cost of 1 crore. An internal road skirting the compound wall and the construction of a multipurpose community hall along with G+9 floor quarters for teaching and non-teaching staff are the other highlights. Also, it is proposed to renovate the Institute Auditorium and IT Theme Centre at a combined cost of about 1 crore. Under TEQIP Phase II, 17 programmes were conducted for Faculty in the form of seminars, conferences and workshops on advanced areas, 10 programmes for staff, students and scholars. 15 Faculty members presented papers abroad, about 50 in India, and 90 Faculty members have gone through training in Management. Sophisticated equipment worth Rs. 2 croes has been procured already and there is commitment for another 3 crores. The Department of Computer Science and Engineering has contributed another dimension to the institute’s profile by actively conducting a series of activities collaborating with National Mission on Education through ICT (NME-ICT) . As a part of this, a Coordinator’s workshop was conducted at IIT Kharagpur on Analog Circuits. Four more workshops sponsored by MHRD were conducted at NIT Warangal in association with IIT Bombay. A prestigious national level research project under MHRD called Design Suitable Pedagogical Methods in collaboration with IIT Kharagpur is being coordinated by Prof. Somayajulu. Around 30 developers from NIT warangal participated. In addition to the above activities, the Institute is participating actively in A-View weekly discussions organized by A-View, Amrita University since 2009. Procurement process has been initiated to set-up dedicated E-classrooms with the entire IT infrastructure for each department under TEQIP and PLAN grants. Caller ID telephones have been provided for all the teaching staff and to non-teaching staff upto superintendent level. For the remaining administrative seats also, we will plan soon to provide caller ID instruments to facilitate call back. BSNL SIM card facility to all the permanent employees of the institute, teaching and non-teaching, free of cost with unlimited calls within NITW group will be provided by the end of this month. Internet bandwidth from BSNL has been enhanced from 32 Mbps to 155 Mbps. Students hostels have been provided with a bandwidth of nearly 200 Mbps from National Knowledge Network (NKN) and BSNL line together. New Ladies Hostel is being provided with WiFi internet access in addition to the existing wired access. Providing Smart ID card to all the students and employees has been initiated. Better security arrangements are being made by means of CCTV cameras. The intercom telephone facility will be extended to all the non-teaching staff staying in Dtype and F-type quarters. An Internet CafĂ© will be set-up in the north campus (in F/D type quarters) for the benefit of the children of non-teaching staff. The number of WiFi internet access (hot spots) on the campus will be increased to cover all the key places like conference halls, auditorium, hostels, departments, staff quarters, Library, cafeterias etc. Access control mechanism at the entry of important places like main building, hostels, central library etc., is under process. Centralized internet facility will be provided to the students in the hostels who do not have laptops /desktops at present. “Go Green” concept implemented everywhere including using non-conventional energy resources, waste management, power management, paperless office to the extent possible etc. Cashless payment at hostels, canteens, mess dues, exam fees, cooperative stores etc., to avoid long queues and waste of time, on-line facility for allotment/booking of hostel rooms, digitization of all the important official records for easy storage and retrieval, asset tracking etc. Complete automation at central library using latest technologies like RFID to avoid queues and wastage of time will be introduced. Upgradation of the existing MIS, and providing latest computers to the faculty are under consideration. I appeal to all sections of our institute to put their minds and hearts together and take NITW to a high pedestal. Let us proudly participate in fulfilling that destiny. I am sure the institute and the country will have progressive and prosperous times ahead. Jai Hind! -

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